Perspectives on Mobile Connectivity @ The Economist

The Economist shares an interesting outlook on wireless connectivity: WiFi, once viewed by mobile carriers as a threat to 3G/4G services, is now seen as the most cost-effective way of helping mobile-phone companies meet their customers’ insatiable demand for bandwidth. But it is still a bumpy road across a variety of access types, and whether we will really one day enjoy seamless connectivity remains to be seen. – read article

Jean Tirole Awarded the Nobel Prize In Economics For His Work On Industrial Organisation

On October 13th Jean Tirole was awarded the Nobel prize in economics for his work on „industrial organisation“. Mr Tirole began publishing in the 1980s, when it quickly became clear that new, liberalised industries might not form perfectly competitive markets. He developed a novel way of thinking about the difficulties regulators face managing such markets. – Source: The Economist