Archive for month: December, 2014
Happy Holidays!
/in All /by saschekArt Clubs Indicate New Trends For Young Audiences (NOZ)
/in All, Culture /by saschekArt clubs and their annual gifts as an indicator for change in artistic practices and younger audiences – read more in Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (“Kunstvereine: Neue Trends für junges Publikum”)
The Discussion Continues: “Have Art Fairs Destroyed Art?”
/in All, Culture /by saschekA comment on Art Basel in Miami Beach, and a contribution to the debate about the role and the effects of the growing number of art fairs: here on ArtNet.
The Slow Death Of Theaters In Germany?
/in All, Culture /by saschekThe theatre and orchestral landscape in Germany is unique: 140 municipal, state and regional theaters; 131 classical orchestras, plus some 220 private theaters and around 150 theaters and performance venues without a permanent ensemble. Cicero has analyzed the vast offering as well as its allegedly looming death, playhouses being caught between continuous budget squeezes, shifting political attention and paralyzing corsets of tradition.
Art As A Commodity: A Furious Speech By Felix Droese
/in All, Culture /by saschekDie Wutrede des Künstlers Felix Droese, diesjähriger Preisträger des Kunstpreises der Künstler.
DIE GROSSE Kunstausstellung NRW 2015 wird am 7. März eröffnet.
Dagmar S. Saschek
cleine consulting company gmbh
Königsallee 27
40212 Düsseldorf
fax: +49 211 4847 1450
Museums of Communications
- Lisboa: Museu das Comunicações
- Madrid: Museo de las Telecomunicaciones
- Madrid: Museo Postal y Telegráfico
- Melbourne: Victorian Telecommunications Museum
- Berlin: Museum für Kommunikation
- St. Petersburg: Central Museum of Communications
- Den Haag: Museum voor Communicatie
- Hollókő: Postamúzeum
- London: The British Postal Museum & Archive
- Luxemburg: Post Musée
- Washington, D.C.: Newseum
- Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian National Postal Museum
- København: Post & Tele Museum Danmark
- Küb: Historisches Postamt
- Wadgassen: Deutsches Zeitungsmuseum