
DLM Symposium: Creating Modern Regulation – Shaping the Media Future

…in German: “Moderne Regulierung schaffen, Medienzukunft gestalten”. Hosted by Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier, Chairman of the Conference of Directors of the Media Authorities (Direktorenkonferenz der Landesmedienanstalten); keynotes by Günther Oettinger, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, European Commission, and Prof. Monika Grütters MdB, Federal Minister of State for Culture and the Media. Yet not really anything new beyond the ongoing discussions on cross-platform regulation and modernized copyright. For details and documentation see the symposium’s website.

20150319 DLM-Symposium Speaker

France: Internet Marketplaces Becoming More Popular

Around 95 % of French internet users have already shopped at an online marketplace, according to a study conducted by market research institute Sorgem Metrics for a software company. Six out of ten consumers have changed their purchasing behavior because of this form of retail being available, and revenues from internet marketplaces have increased in 2014 by 53% compared to the previous year. More details on the website of Germany Trade and Invest (in German).

Digitorial! The Frankfurter Städel Sets An Example

“The Digitorial: The Multimedia Preparation Course For The Monet Exhibition” promises the Staedel Museum in Frankfurt, Germany, setting an example on how old masters can embrace current technology. Experience the show beforehand or use it to check back ex post. Although a fan of coffee table book-type catalogues, I highly appreciate playing with this digital version. See for yourself here.

Fake Street Names On Google Maps

On Google maps, the Frankfurt University Campus Westend’s squares and streets seem to be officially renamed. Entries such as “Avenue to overpriced cafeteria” or “Road to the highway occupation” indicate students chose guerrilla communication to protest against the official new name scheme to be in effect soon. – Found on Frankfurter Rundschau

Global Trend: Hyperconnectivity

The Economist summarizes: Hyperconnectivity is a term that describes a defining feature of contemporary society. Thanks to the Internet, mobile technology and soon the Internet of things, people, places, organisations and objects are linked together like never before. Read more