Best. Livefeed. Ever.
/in All, Entertainment, Media /by saschekBritish journalist Ben Bloom (benbloomsport on Twitter) covering the press conference of Jürgen Klopp leaving BVB Dortmund without knowing a word of German – to be found at the Telegraph.
…his summary: It was like someone had died, and they used the word ‘fantastisch’ very often.
Simply hilarious.
#1 Indian Writing Charts
/in All, Culture, Entertainment /by saschek#1 Indian Writing Charts discovered when traveling to Chennai, Tamil Nadu from Terminal 3 IGI Airport, Delhi. India
Fake Street Names On Google Maps
/in All, Entertainment, Internet /by saschekOn Google maps, the Frankfurt University Campus Westend’s squares and streets seem to be officially renamed. Entries such as “Avenue to overpriced cafeteria” or “Road to the highway occupation” indicate students chose guerrilla communication to protest against the official new name scheme to be in effect soon. – Found on Frankfurter Rundschau
China Drifting Festival 2014 Bringing Chinese Indie Rock Bands To Germany
/in All, Entertainment /by saschekChina Drifting Festival 2014 bringing Chinese subculture to Germany: China’s indie rock bands coming to Berlin. Musikexpress has more.
The Economist plans to write about Hasbro’s move to crowdsource new rules for Monopoly
/in All, Entertainment /by saschekThe Economist announces plans to write about Hasbro’s move to crowdsource new rules for Monopoly: Hasbro, a toy and game-maker, is looking to allow fans to choose from an array of ten popular but unofficial house rules (such as receiving $400 rather than $200 for passing “Go”) with the most popular becoming official. Their invitation: If you can come up with some imaginative rules in the Monopoly spirit that reflect the reality of doing business today, post your suggestions on The Economist’s website and they could be printed in this week’s article:
“Krach der Republik”-Preview @ Sony Center Berlin
/in All, Entertainment /by saschekPreview of soon-to-be-released DVD “Die Toten Hosen Live: Krach der Republik – The Tour Finals”, directed by Paul Dugdale, at the Sony Center Potsdamer Platz in Berlin (simultaneously in eight cinemas) and Die Toten Hosen were present (not simultaneously in eight cinemas). Read more →
Dagmar S. Saschek
cleine consulting company gmbh
Königsallee 27
40212 Düsseldorf
fax: +49 211 4847 1450
Museums of Communications
- Küb: Historisches Postamt
- St. Petersburg: Central Museum of Communications
- Stockholm: Postmuseum
- Triest: Museo Postale e Telegrafico della Mitteleuropa
- Washington, D.C.: Newseum
- Dublin: An Post Museum
- Paris: Musée de la Poste
- Den Haag: Museum voor Communicatie
- Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian National Postal Museum
- Praha: Poštovní Muzeum
- Toronto: CBC Museum
- Tokyo: Postal Museum Japan
- Hollókő: Postamúzeum
- Berlin: Museum für Kommunikation
- Bern: Museum für Kommunikation