
DLM Symposium: Creating Modern Regulation – Shaping the Media Future

…in German: “Moderne Regulierung schaffen, Medienzukunft gestalten”. Hosted by Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier, Chairman of the Conference of Directors of the Media Authorities (Direktorenkonferenz der Landesmedienanstalten); keynotes by Günther Oettinger, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, European Commission, and Prof. Monika Grütters MdB, Federal Minister of State for Culture and the Media. Yet not really anything new beyond the ongoing discussions on cross-platform regulation and modernized copyright. For details and documentation see the symposium’s website.

20150319 DLM-Symposium Speaker

Culture Brings Prosperity, According to ifo Research Report

Key findings of cesifo research paper “Music in the Air: Estimating the Social Return to Cultural Amenities” include:

  • Culture is expensive but worth it: Expenditure on cultural institutions have a positive effect on income in the region
  • The ifo researchers understand their results as an argument supporting subsidies for cultural institutions
  • According to their research on opera houses it is unclear, however, whether a country as a whole benefits from investment into individual region’s cultural sector

The report is available for download, with a summary in English.

A comment in the SZ hence warns cities and municipalities to cut the culture budgets under the influence of current financial pressure: These cuts may seem quick and easy but could have devastating indirect effects.

Carta On Public Braodcasting: “Das schwarze Loch” (The Black Hole)

Aus der Carta-Artikelserie  „Transparenz und Finanzierung im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk“: “Das schwarze Loch. Warum der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk ausreichend finanziert ist – und trotzdem kein Geld hat.” (An article from the Carta series “Transparency and financing of public service broadcasting“: “The black hole. Why public broadcasting is adequately funded – and still has no money.”)