World Book Day! – Here’s To Majestic Libraries and Beautiful Bookstores
/in All, Culture, Media /by saschekIt’s World Book Day today! On the occasion, here are compilations of libraries and bookstores that are worth making a trip to.
Best. Livefeed. Ever.
/in All, Entertainment, Media /by saschekBritish journalist Ben Bloom (benbloomsport on Twitter) covering the press conference of Jürgen Klopp leaving BVB Dortmund without knowing a word of German – to be found at the Telegraph.
…his summary: It was like someone had died, and they used the word ‘fantastisch’ very often.
Simply hilarious.
DLM Symposium: Creating Modern Regulation – Shaping the Media Future
/in All, Internet, Media, Telecommunications /by saschek…in German: “Moderne Regulierung schaffen, Medienzukunft gestalten”. Hosted by Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier, Chairman of the Conference of Directors of the Media Authorities (Direktorenkonferenz der Landesmedienanstalten); keynotes by Günther Oettinger, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, European Commission, and Prof. Monika Grütters MdB, Federal Minister of State for Culture and the Media. Yet not really anything new beyond the ongoing discussions on cross-platform regulation and modernized copyright. For details and documentation see the symposium’s website.
USO Updates Looming? Habits And Attitudes Have Certainly Changed
/in All, Internet, Media, Telecommunications /by saschekAccording to the Pew Research Center, Americans increasingly view the internet and cellphones as essential. Read their synopsis here.
German Newspaper Article: The Berlin State Library Stores Thousands Of Stolen Books
/in All, Culture, Media /by saschekArticle on the little known fate of books looted by the Nazis from private libraries – “NS-Raubgut: In der Berliner Staatsbibliothek lagern tausende gestohlene Bücher.” (Tagesspiegel, January 30, 2015)
Negative Hockeystick Trend for Newspapers?
/in All, Media /by saschekThe IVW data IV/2014 were published today. Looking back over the past years, the newspaper industry might experience a negative hockey stick effect.
25+ Of The Most Majestic Libraries In The World
/in All, Culture, Media /by saschekA compilations of travel destinations for book lovers. And the list for extraordinary libraries is still open for submissions.
Pew Research: 5 Facts About Alternative Weeklies
/in All, Media /by saschekThey are decreasing in number and circulation but explore options for their future positioning. More in the Pew Fact Tank here. (originally published July 11, 2014)
Dagmar S. Saschek
cleine consulting company gmbh
Königsallee 27
40212 Düsseldorf
fax: +49 211 4847 1450
Museums of Communications
- Dublin: An Post Museum
- Tokyo: Postal Museum Japan
- Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian National Postal Museum
- Berlin: Museum für Kommunikation
- Wrocław: Post and Telecommunication Museum
- Washington, D.C.: Newseum
- Toronto: CBC Museum
- Seattle: Museum of Communications
- Praha: Poštovní Muzeum
- Den Haag: Museum voor Communicatie
- Kaunas: Ryšių Istorijos Muziejus
- Wadgassen: Deutsches Zeitungsmuseum
- Vaduz: Postmuseum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
- Chicago: Museum of Broadcast Communications
- Madrid: Museo Postal y Telegráfico