Private View of “German. Memories of a Nation” at the British Museum

Not big but great! Brief and accurately to the point. Uncommon combinations of objects, e.g. porcelaine, a Gutenberg bible, and Bauhaus objects under the Audi claim ‘Vorsprung durch Technik” (translated politely as ‘progress through technology’) – it’s really worth checking out. Only the shop at the end pays a bit too much tribute to allegedly German icons. But of course it might be that I just don’t really understand British humour.

The Economist Demonstrates The Future Of The Book In Digital Formats

The Economist published an essay on the future of the book, “From papyrus to pixels: The digital transformation of the way books are written, published and sold has only just begun”, in editions that underline the title: 5000+ words in five chapters, available on the web as scrollable text, in book-like format and you can listen to it, too. – Direct to full text essay.