
The Economist Demonstrates The Future Of The Book In Digital Formats

The Economist published an essay on the future of the book, “From papyrus to pixels: The digital transformation of the way books are written, published and sold has only just begun”, in editions that underline the title: 5000+ words in five chapters, available on the web as scrollable text, in book-like format and you can listen to it, too. – Direct to full text essay.

The Economist plans to write about Hasbro’s move to crowdsource new rules for Monopoly

The Economist announces plans to write about Hasbro’s move to crowdsource new rules for Monopoly: Hasbro, a toy and game-maker, is looking to allow fans to choose from an array of ten popular but unofficial house rules (such as receiving $400 rather than $200 for passing “Go”) with the most popular becoming official. Their invitation: If you can come up with some imaginative rules in the Monopoly spirit that reflect the reality of doing business today, post your suggestions on The Economist’s website and they could be printed in this week’s article: