Archive for year: 2013
Die Toten Hosen – A Very Special Concert: “Welcome to Germany”
/in All, Culture /by saschekDie Toten Hosen and the Symphony Orchestra of the Robert Schumann Hochschule played three concerts at the Tonhalle Düsseldorf. Under the title “Welcome to Germany”, the musicians reminded us of the exhibition “Entartete Musik” (“Degenerate Music”) 75 years ago in the Ehrenhof Düsseldorf, where the Tonhalle is located. Read more →
„How Interactive Media Can Scramble Your Brain“
/in All, Internet /by saschek– a strategy+business article on the negative consequences of media multitasking.
IFA 2013: Nothing really new and nothing really exciting
/in All, Entertainment, Internet, Media, Telecommunications /by saschekRight at the entrance: Enough Apple gadgets to fill an entire shopping mall with.Vodafone likes Lego. Read more →
Siri’s answer to “OK, Glass”…
/in All, Telecommunications /by saschekShe was not amused, and made that clear in an annoyed-teacher-voice. Read more →
“Der Akt um 1900” (“Nudes around 1900”) in Dresden
/in All, Culture /by saschek– tiny but absolutely lovely special exhibition at Albertinum Dresden.
Dagmar S. Saschek
cleine consulting company gmbh
Königsallee 27
40212 Düsseldorf
fax: +49 211 4847 1450
Museums of Communications
- Seattle: Museum of Communications
- Kaunas: Ryšių Istorijos Muziejus
- St. Petersburg: Central Museum of Communications
- Triest: Museo Postale e Telegrafico della Mitteleuropa
- Bern: Museum für Kommunikation
- Washington, D.C.: Newseum
- Stockholm: Postmuseum
- Wadgassen: Deutsches Zeitungsmuseum
- Paris: Musée de la Poste
- Tokyo: Postal Museum Japan
- Vaduz: Postmuseum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
- Melbourne: Victorian Telecommunications Museum
- London: The British Postal Museum & Archive
- Berlin: Museum für Kommunikation
- København: Post & Tele Museum Danmark